
It's time to re:discover


New perspectives, new skills, new friends.

Learn more about KILROYs newest travel experience: re:discover. In this webinar Ellison and Denice will tell you all about these new amazing journeys. re:discover focuses on your personal growth in combination with learning a cool new skill and traveling to beautiful destinations. What's not to love? 


What is re:discover?

Re:discover is a new travel concept that has personal growth as the central purpose. What is common for all re:discover journeys is that they're meant to give you three things: New perspectives, skillsets, and friends for life. 

You get new perspectives when you put yourself in a new position and give yourself time to reflect. Combining this with a new set of skills, and a new group of people and you have the perfect recipe for personal growth. 

Removing yourself from the stresses of life back home and focusing on the present moment, connecting with other travelers, pushing your own limits outside others' expectations of you will give you the opportunity to return home refreshed and renewed. That's what re:discover is basically all about.

What will we be talking about in this webinar?

  • What is re:discover
  • Who is it for?
  • The amazing journeys
  • Re:discover and sustainability

These new journeys will give you the opportunity to rediscover your life. Not to escape it, but for it not to escape you. Get ready! 

Check out the re:discover website: https://rediscover.kilroy.net/ 


Webinar duration: 1 hour

Date and time: 13th of July, 17.00 CET



KILROY International

Denice & Ellison

KILROY International